Friday, 26 February 2016

Health and Fitness and Time

Health and Fitness and Time

I find it hard to see that it is a week since the last blog post here!
Where has the time gone?!

Well it has disappeared and I just hope you have made good use of your time since the last post!

A point about this that springs to mind is that there are only 24 hours in every day and every moment of that is unique and special. Sometimes I do not appreciate that enough. Have you ever felt like I have at work, that I want to finish work and do something else? It is often just a small issue but if I did that often enough I would be in effect wishing my time away and so wishing my life away.

At times like that, it is better to think how you can reengage with your present work and try to do that and then before you realise it, time is over and you can go home and do whatever it was you wanted to do.

I hope anyway however, you have spent your time, that you have had as healthy and fit a week as possible. Personally I have managed to eat fairly healthily and exercise fairly regularly over this last week so I am content with that, while part of me says I can and must try to do better!

My next post (ie this post) was going to be on my daily health and fitness routine but I shall be doing that next post. For now, suffice to say I have been doing my daily exercises (including jogging and skipping and playing chess to extend my mind).

I also use a FitBit Charge (seen in the image above).

Unfortunately I have succumbed to a cold during the week, and I have tried to drink more water and orange juice and have taken Eccinachea tablets and some cold and flu medication. I have had the sore throat and runny nose and headaches with this, but I have tried to deal with it as described and keep going.
MAN FLU! I'll live :-)
Seriously I feel like I am getting better and I think the measures I have taken are helping me improve and get rid of this cold.

I am a firm believer that prevention is better than cure and it is definitely worthwhile to try to be fit and healthy in body and mind to prevent injury and illness.

So until next post, stay healthy and fit! :-)

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