Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Locked out of my own blog!

A while ago, I deleted lots of my online files, including several email accounts in an attempt to tidy up my online messy structures. When I tried logging in to this my Blogger blog though, I was unable to do so from another Google account (which I had forgotten that Blogger & Google accounts were linked) and I had forgotten the mail and account details and couldn't find them on my computer and so became locked out of this my Blogger health & fitness blog! Well, today I wanted to do a blog post on my main WordPress blog, but my auto login didn't work, so I scoured my records for the login details and couldn't find those, but did find the Blogger mail & account details, so I have restored these and have logged in once again and now can continue posting about health & fitness here! Good! Now I am back in the health & fitness blogging business again, I firstly (k)need to report, I have had a sore painful right knee for the last 3 months..see my knee image below:
My right knee started to be a little difficult on holiday in the Lake District 3 years ago, as it started to be a little troublesome when climbing up large steep steps besides big waterfalls. Over the last 3 months, I have not been exercising much and even gave up my daily jog & my knee has been getting worse. Well, last week I restarted jogging and while it was tough, I am slowly getting better is my knee! Whenever possible, I do gentle knee bends and the stiffness and soreness is disappearing! This encourages me to continue my exercising & gentle knee exercises and I will see if it continues to improve before seeking any professional medical help if needed. So, I am really looking forward to getting back on track with blogging & jogging! This is simply a quick post update and now I will hope to blog more regularly here, so till my next post, best wishes and take care ;-)